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I Can Sell That!

A Beginners Guide to Selling on eBay

Have you got spare books, DVD's, videos and other stuff lying around cluttering up your home? Why not make yourself some pocket money by selling them on eBay?

I Can Sell ThatI love books! I mean, I really love books. I always scour the bargain bins, and I cannot walk out of a bookshop without buying at least 1 book.

So - you can imagine what my house looks like. It got to the stage where either I was going to have to buy a bigger house, or get rid of some of my books. Some of my bookcases had books 3 deep on the shelves.

My problem was I hate to throw out a good book - it seems such a waste!

So, I thought I'd try selling some at our local markets. I lugged down about half a dozen boxes full of books which I tried to sell for $2.00 each. Now, let me tell you - that's 6 heavy boxes! And talk about boring - I had to stand around all day hoping someone would come and pay me $2 - it's not really worth the effort.

I mean, so many people will spend 10 or 15 minutes browsing through your books - you get your hopes up they are going to buy one, and then they walk away! With nothing!

Then I remembered eBay. People buy some crazy stuff on there - maybe they'd buy my books.

So I got on to eBay and had a look around at what people were selling. Goodness - there's tons of stuff on there - everything you can think of (and probably some you can't). And loads and loads of books.

So I thought - I'll have a try.

I realised the first thing I needed to do was to figure out how this thing worked. I thought I might buy a book about selling on eBay - heck - I assumed eBay would have one for sale themselves, but No!

I checked out the eBay education centre, and there's some pretty good stuff there, but it's not easy to follow - it's all online and you jump from subject to subject - there's no overall flow to it. There's not a clear map of what you need to do when.

Now I don't know about you, but I like something I can touch and read and scribble notes on, highlight important stuff. I can't do that on the computer screen.

So I tried googling for eBay books. Most of the stuff that came back was either from Internet Marketers (who are just looking to make a quick buck) or from "so-called" eBay PowerSellers, offering to teach me how I can become an eBay Powerseller in 30 days.

Man - I don't want to be an eBay PowerSeller - I just want to sell my books and make a bit of pocket money!

So I did it the hard way. I spent hours on eBay finding my way around, learning the tricks of the trade, learning through trial and error.

And boy - the stuff you don't know that you don't know! One of the things that none of these books tells you is how to make sure that your item sells, and what the chances are of that.

Did you know that

That's not good odds folks!

So, I continued my education. I didn't necessarily sell a lot of stuff (although I did list a lot of stuff!). Are You Crazy?? I hear you ask - why tell us that? Because you learn more from your mistakes than from your successes. Some sales I made were simply through dumb luck!

So, if by now you're thinking "Geez - that's too hard", don't worry. I've basically pulled together everything I've learnt into one guide that I like to call I Can Sell That! A Beginners Guide to Selling on eBay. It's the book I wish I could have bought when I was just starting out!

I Can Sell That! A Beginners Guide to Selling on eBay guides you by the hand through everything you need to do to get started selling on eBay.

It even lets you in on some of the insider secrets, to make sure you get the most money you can for your items. Great tips such as what is the best time to end your auction, how to develop an attractive listing, and how to get a high eBay ranking so people know they can safely buy from you.

And with lot's of screenshots so you won't get lost!

Available now at Go For Broke - Do It Yourself at the unbelievably low price of $17.99.

Here's What You'll Learn

Beginners Guide to Selling on eBay

I Can Sell That! A Beginners Guide to Selling on eBay will let you in on all the tricks of the trade, including

And all this for the unbelievably low price of $17.99.

Did You Know?

Did you know that most newbies on eBay actually lose money on their auctions? Just by following eBay's recommendations!

Let's look at a real life example (yes - OK - it was me....)

And all I did was follow eBay's recommendations! OK - I messed up on the postage, but even 5c isn't much of a profit margin!

If I had seen those stats I showed you earlier that say that over 75% of items on eBay receive 1 bid or less, then I sure wouldn't have set the start price at 99c.

I Can Sell That! A Beginners Guide to Selling on eBay gives you all the inside information so you can make sure you don't have to make all the same dumb mistakes I did when I was trying to learn.

A bargain at only $17.99.

Plus, as a special gift for you, when you buy I Can Sell That! A Beginners Guide to Selling on eBay, we'll send you our FREE report -Buying Websites on eBay.

Your FREE Gift - Buying Websites on eBay

Buying an established website is a great way to own a ready-made web presence. If the website is good you can enjoy the benefit of a strong position in the search engines, capitalise on an instant flow of traffic and indeed sales.

An established website gives you the chance to “jump the queue” as you don't have to wait months for the search engines to rank you for your chosen keyword and niche.

eBay is becoming an increasingly popular venue for traders to sell their websites because keen buyers looking for an established, profitable website are ready to snap them up.

A quick look at eBay Pulse in the UK and the USA reveals that people are looking for “established” “profitable” “website” “businesses”.

Unfortunately there are unscrupulous sellers who are listing rubbish and attracting bids of hundreds, if not thousands of pounds for websites not worth a fraction of that amount.

Make sure YOU don't fall into that trap.

Before you even think about bidding on another website, make sure you read Buying Websites on eBay.

Buying Websites on eBay

Buying Websites on eBay will help you tell the difference between the good, money making opportunities and the overpriced rubbish which is littering the business categories more and more each day.

The guide will reveal to you:

..and much more!

Buying Websites on eBay contains only the best information on purchasing websites with confidence. It doesn't contain any "filler" or "fluff" to increase the page count - just 23 pages of high quality information focused solely on ensuring you make invest your money in a solid, profitable website.

And you get it free when you buy I Can Sell That! A Beginners Guide to Selling on eBay.

So Will My Stuff Definitely Sell If I Read Your Book?

Satisfaction guaranteed

Look - I can't guarantee everything you list on eBay will sell - nobody can!

However, I am so confident that I Can Sell That! A Beginners Guide to Selling on eBay will teach you what you need to know about selling on eBay that I am offering a 60 days, no questions asked, money back guarantee. That's right - if you don't like it, don't keep it. Just send it back to us here at within 60 days, and we'll send you your money back.

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